The Aeronautical Information Publication – An evaluation for paragliders

The Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) is actually an important source of information for those who want to participate safely in air traffic. However, I can't remember it ever being discussed in the theory lessons for a paragliding license. It is worth taking a look at the AIP, as I have explained in the following article.

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The airspaces in Bassano del Grappa and the surrounding area

Bassano is well known among paragliders, but what is less well known is what the airspace structure around Bassano looks like. Up to now I have hardly paid any attention to the airspace structure, but have flown as close to the slope as possible and not too far into the flat. However, I would like to change this and take a closer look at the airspace structure.

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Dangers from power lines

Every paraglider should be aware that power lines, compared to other ropes (e.g. material rope way), harbor additional dangers, namely electric shocks. In this article, you will find out why an accident pilot who is in contact with an overhead power line should not be helped immediately and what else needs to be considered in the event of an electrical accident.

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