RECCO – Be searchable

RECCO - Be searchable, the saying that actually explains everything. The system is designed to speed up the search for missing persons considerably. You might think that we paragliders are easy to find anyway thanks to our large, colorful paraglider, but it is quite conceivable that the paraglider could fall through the trees in the event of an accident, making it difficult to find the victim.

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The airspaces in Bassano del Grappa and the surrounding area

Bassano is well known among paragliders, but what is less well known is what the airspace structure around Bassano looks like. Up to now I have hardly paid any attention to the airspace structure, but have flown as close to the slope as possible and not too far into the flat. However, I would like to change this and take a closer look at the airspace structure.

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Freedom around all axes – how acro flying expands your flying horizons – lecture with Pál Takáts

The well-known paraglider pilot Pál Takáts was in Munich not to report on his participation in this year's X-Alps, but to give a talk on acro flying. The lecture was organized by the Bodenlos board, many thanks for this. The event took place in the Wirtshaus zum Isartal. The following are excerpts from my transcript of the lecture, without any claim to completeness.

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