Tensioning device for the trim check
To check the trim of a paraglider, the lines must be pre-tensioned with a defined force. To achieve this, you need a tensioning device. This article explains how I set it up.
To check the trim of a paraglider, the lines must be pre-tensioned with a defined force. To achieve this, you need a tensioning device. This article explains how I set it up.
Who among us has not despaired when trying to read and understand the ICAO chart? Especially with complex airspace structures, such as those found around airports, it can be very nerve-wracking trying to read and understand the ICAO chart. Ultimately, it's also a question of safety; it can happen very quickly that you overlook an airspace. Furthermore, it is not always easy to visualise the airspaces in three-dimensional space.
The importance of ground handling for flight safety is emphasised time and again. It therefore made sense to engage Peter Cröniger, who, together with Simon Winkler, is further developing ground handling and the associated techniques, to provide us with further theoretical and practical training. Bodenlos e.V. organised a lecture on Wednesday and the practical training session with Peter on the following weekend.
Biwaktours, very few of us do it. For the majority of us standard Ottonormal pilots, bivouacking is too strenuous, too dependent on the weather and too dangerous, the list goes on and on, but there are a few pilots who are not deterred by any of this. One of these intrepid pilots is Ben Spengler. In this interview, he shares the experiences he has had in recent years and many tips and tricks for bivouac flying.
A short XC flight in Bassano del Grappa.
The 2nd attempt to fly the Mölltal triangle. Would I succeed this time?