Keyboard XC Remote

XC Track is now used by many pilots on their smartphones. A major drawback here is the lack of hardware buttons. This makes operation in the air difficult; solutions such as operation with a stylus pen or gloves with a special coating are impractical in the air. A keyboard such as XC Remote promises a remedy.

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Hike and Fly Wallberg

The Wallberg - an ideal mountain for hike and fly beginners, as the ascent is relatively easy. In contrast, this is not necessarily the best location for long XC flights, as the launch sites face north and north-west. Nevertheless, long XC flights have also been made from here if you know where to look for the thermals immediately after take-off. A classic is the flight to Kössen, which is also feasible for XC beginners with sufficient westerly winds.

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Paraspotting Cards

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We've all been there: you want to go on a flying holiday on your own and are faced with the problem of finding information about the flying area of your choice. Nowadays there are many sources on the Internet, but you have to search for them laboriously. Wouldn't it make sense to be able to fall back on a single source? Clemens Lehner offers such a source in playing card format.

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Hike and Fly Brauneck

The Brauneck - I have a kind of love-hate relationship with this mountain. On the one hand, the wind often can't decide which direction it wants to blow from, which then results in a change of position, e.g. from north to south or vice versa. On the other hand, I don't particularly like it as a hike and fly mountain either, as you always have to master steep passages on the ascent. This can be very exhausting. Nevertheless, I occasionally climb the Brauneck, as it also offers certain advantages, such as three take-off directions (north, south and east) and the possibility of flying in thermals on the broad southern flank of the Benediktenwand even in winter.

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Chrigel Maurer – Der Überflieger

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Chrigel Maurer's autobiography Der Überflieger is an exciting and very personal journey through the life of one of the best paragliders in the world. In this book, the exceptional athlete provides a deep insight into his experiences, thoughts and the development of his impressive success. The book is written in simple language, which makes it accessible to a broad readership, and is of great interest to fans of flying and adventure-seekers in particular. The book is only in German available

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Hike and Fly Nagelspitze

Autumn time is hike and fly time. Every year, I make plans to try this special form of our sport in autumn. Unfortunately, it often fails due to time constraints or simply laziness. The conditions on this day were ideal for putting the plan into practice. The forecast was for a north-westerly, moderate wind and sunshine. In order to achieve a good training effect, the ascent of the Jägerkamp followed by a start on the Nagelspitze seemed to me to be an ideal mountain for a hike and fly.

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